Create CSV and ICS calendar files on the fly with MS Excel! - Looking for Custom Excel Spreadsheets, Templates and Applications?

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Use Excel to create ICS and CSV files for easy import into Google Calendar and other calendar applications.

One Excel app - two calendar tasks!

By using our custom Excel application, you can easily create a task / reminder calendar and automatically generate CSV and ICS files which you can then batch import into other applications. Both of the above types of files are automatically created based on the international standards and specifications required by popular calendar applications.

1. How to create CSV files for import into other Excel files and Google Sheets

The first step is to enter all the tasks dates in the calendar. This is done very easily with the dynamic form that you can see in the main image above.

Enter the date, title of the task/reminder and optionally a brief description.

Once you have entered all the dates, you can easily review the generated CSV file and then automatically save it to your local hard drive.

This file can then be automatically imported into other applications, such as Google Sheets or another Excel files, so you can easily move your tasks lists from app to app.

2. How to create ICS calendar files for automatic import into Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, and other applications.

The process is similar to the CSV generation: after entering the tasks / reminder dates in your calendar (you only need to enter them once and they will be available for both CSV and ICS files generation), you open the corresponding worksheet with which you can review the ICS file that was created. Then you can save it automatically to your local hard disk.

Finally, you can easily import it into Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook and any other calendar application that accepts ICS files.

How do I get the app?

The Calendar Files Creator application costs 49 US$ one-time fee, without any other additional costs, annually or per license / user. It is also possible to customize it to more specific needs if you wish.

You can order it via Paypal and receive it in your email by clicking on the order button below.

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