If you need to create QR Codes, this free Excel tool will do it for you! Supports colors and exporting as an image or PDF file
How Free Excel QR Code Generator works:
1. Type (or copy and paste from another source) the text and/or the link you want to be included in your QR Code
2. Select the size of the QR image. You can choose any size between 30 and 300 Pixels. The image generated is in Png format
3. Optionally select background color and foreground color for the QR Code. To select colors, double-click the corresponding cells
4. Click the Create QR Code Image button.
Once the QR Code is created, you can either save it as an image on your computer (by right-clicking on the QR Code and selecting "Save As Picture"), or print it, or export it to a PDF file using the two buttons in the upper right part of the application.
Watch a short video:
The QR Code Generator application is provided free of charge. If you wish to obtain it let us know by sending an email to apps@customexcelapps.com or by using the contacting form of the website.